Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Getting a Root Canal

I had the pleasure of getting a root canal a few hours ago. Thanks to a good specialist it was bearable. I got to sit back and enjoy the ride and watch the Padres spank the Rockies. Good times.

I used to say things like "I'd rather get a root canal than listen to a Celine Dion CD" or "Given the choice between watching Law and Order or getting a root canal, I'd choose the root canal." The good thing about actually getting a root canal is that I can say with surety that I'd rather get a root canal than listen to a Celine Dion CD. If you asked me today to choose between that and Law and Order, it would be a toss up.

I'm convinced that a better torture for terrorists than water boarding would be to give them lots of root canals while making them listen to Celine Dion on the headphones.

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